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PDF Replacer

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/ 4 ratings

A handy tool for replacing batches of words in PDF files

PDF Replacer |
updated on August 22, 2024
50mb | free


Most features are included in the Free version
It's quite easy to use the tool
Ability to replace many different phrases in many different files with one click
The layout is preserved in most cases
Translated into many different languages


In the Free version, a watermark is placed on PDF files longer than 100 pages
The paid version costs too much for what it offers
It's quite slow with longer files, even if you just edit the first page
It sometimes gets the fonts wrong
PDF Replacer
Price: $
When it comes to PDF file management, you simply never know what action you might need to undertake in order to quickly edit a file for an assignment or your job. Some tools can offer to fix many different things regarding PDF files but other tools focus on one simple task!

PDF Replacer pretty much does what its name suggests: it finds the specified word or phrase in the file you select and replaces it with new text whilst keeping the layout exactly the same. This is an interesting option, and here is why.

Usually, if you need to make changes to a PDF file, it involves conversion to .docx format, editing the Word document, then conversion back to PDF. It should be noted that these conversions rarely go without layout issues and PDF Replacer promises that the layout of the document will remain the same!

The tool does deliver on that end and formatting is preserved if you replace words or phrases of similar length. Replacing short words with long sentences can cause problems as the actual line in the PDF file overflows. However, it's a highly unlikely scenario as well!

There is one thing though, and that is that PDF Replacer is sometimes completely wrong on the choice of font used which really stands out in the end result. The Free version of the tool leaves watermarks on PDF files larger than 100 pages. It might be a good idea to divide your files into many parts and merge them afterward!

The cost of the Pro version is $29.95 and it's a little too much for a program which only has one feature! During the testing, we used a 94-page long file and the process took around half an hour even though we only edited the first two pages of the file!
Reviewed by (editor rating 3.5 out of 5 stars)

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Supported languages

Arabic, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish,
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French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese PT, Spanish


Total: 36
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